GEHINNOM The Movie | Hell According To Orthodox Jewish Torah Before making foolish or heretical comments, watch the film and see that there are 172 Torah sources listed in the film to confirm every single word that is being said. It addresses all common questions regarding Gehinnom from the Tanach, Gemara, Shulchan Aruch, Zohar, Chassidut, Rishonim and Kabbalah. If Gehinnom The Movie Helped You Gain Yitrat Shamayim and Understanding of the Torah's Reward & Punishment (and the truth about hell), Help Us Spread The Message By SHARING and DONATING Today. or (Campaign site) Let Everyone Know About: GEHINNOM The Movie THE MOST POWERFUL TORAH FILM IN HISTORY!!! IT'S LIKE NOTHING YOU'VE SEEN BEFORE Join this channel to get access to perks: / @yaronreuvenrabbi 0:00:00 Introduction 0:06:27 Common Misconceptions (e.g., washing machine, only shame) 0:08:15 SCARY Ghost Footage 0:10:38 One would forfeit heaven, just to avoid Gehinnom's 0:11:34 R. Akiva's encounter 0:14:01 Fear of G-d Safeguards: Torah Study, Recite Shema, Remind self of Day of Death (Ber. 5a) 0:15:03 Traumatizing grave scene 0:16:29 NDEs: Scientific Studies 0:25:54 Dibukkim & KAF HaKELA (Minhat Yehuda; Sha'ar HaGilgulim) 0:27:12 SCARY CHIBUT HaKEVER FOOTAGE 0:29:33 G-d's love and wrath: both unlimited 0:30:59 Seven levels of Judgment at death (Zohar, Nasso; Vayakhel) 0:33:04 The Beatings of The Grave 0:34:15 Antoninus-Rebbe debate: G-d judges body & soul together (Sanh. 91a-b) 0:35:09 Suicide Regret 0:36:40 Kaf Hakela: Dibuk of False Messiah Shabbatai Tzvi 0:37:24 Eternal Gehinnom for wicked (Is. 66:24) 0:39:22 Sulfur Smell Here & Gehinnom 0:41:19 Source of the word Gehinnom (II Kings 23 v. 10; Molech) 0:42:06 G-d created the world for you to fear Him (Shab. 31b) 0:44:02 Three Gates to Gehinnom: (1) Ocean (2) Desert (3) Jerusalem (Jonah 2:3; Num. 39 v. 33; Is. 31:9) 0:45:30 Moshe Rabbeinu's tour of Gehinnom & Gan Eden (Mid. Rabba Massei 23:5) 0:46:21 Resurrection of Dead 0:47:42 Hashem Knows ALL: Every Generation (Ps. 33 v. 15) 0:48:45 Misconception of age punishment: "Children" in Gehinnom 0:49:35 No Favoritism 0:50:04 No Bribery: Mitzvot cannot replace sins 0:51:16 Kavanah of Sin (Chesed L'Avraham Even Shtiya Ma'ayan) 0:54:53 Importance of knowing and believing about Gehinnom 0:56:30 Pain of worms eating corpse 60x, as if alive (Ber. 18b; Shab. 13b, 152; Job 14 v. 22) 0:58:35 Shabbat Desecrators? 0:59:12 Avodah Zara & Wigs: BIGGEST SCAM OF GENERATION 1:04:21 Gehinnom's Five Fires (Reishiet Chochma) 1:11:16 KAF HaKELA: Sections & Duration 1:13:53 People that never get out of Gehinnom (Bava Metzia 58b) 1:15:18 1st Chamber, Bor: Leaders of Gehinnom (Dt. 9 v. 19) 1:16:59 2nd Chamber, Shachat: Non-rebukers (Green Fire) 1:17:57 3rd Chamber, Dumah: Arrogant, Lending Jews w/ Interest 1:18:41 4th Chamber, Tit Hayaven: mockers of poor, accidentally wasting seed (Avod. Zara 20b) 1:20:15 5th Chamber, Sheol: apikorus, homosexuals 1:20:47 6th Chamber, Salmavet: Incest, went w/ Niddah; immodest women 1:22:10 7th Chamber, Tachtit Eretz: Boiling feces, Those who caused other's to sin; Onkelos Seance w/ Jesus & Titus 1:22:48 Those who waste seed on purpose 1:23:21 Shabbat Desecrators 1:24:30 Immodest, Immorality Crimes 1:26:13 Forbidden to communicate w/ the dead (Dt. 18 vv.10-11; Ber. 18b) 1:31:29 Sleep Paralysis: Partially Dreaming & Partially Awake 1:35:58 Common Misconceptions (cont.) (Rosh Hash. 17a) 1:40:52 Chillul Hashem: Teshuvah only begins at death (Yoma 86) 1:46:29 BREAKING the Thick Klipah 1:53:53 MAXIMUM 12 MONTHS GEHINNOM LIE 2:00:19 Teshuvah or Haman before Mashiach (Sanh. 97b) 2:00:57 GEHHINOM TEACHINGS IN CHASSIDUT (Baal Shem Tov) 2:02:29 Baal Shem Tov 2:04:42 Tanya 2:07:30 Use Yetzer Hara to Serve Hashem 2:12:54 WHY HARSH TALK IS NECESSARY: Hearts of Stone 2:18:58 Heretical Teachings & Evil Influences that cool people off 2:24:02 GEHINNOM ACCORDING TO HALACHA 2:26:51 Rambam 2:28:44 Tur 2:29:50 Rema 2:30:30 Shulchan Aruch 2:31:06 R. Efraim Kachlon 2:33:24 GILGUL NESHAMOT (REINCARNATION) 2:36:07 Screaming Stones (Habakkuk 2 v. 11) 2:40:26 THE REBUKE OF HKBH (Ps. 50 vv.21-22) 2:42:10 TESHUVAH: SUPERNATURAL PATH TO LIFE 2:43:14 Conclusion 2:43:51 Credits 2:46:27 Donate 2:46:39 Torah Sources #gehinnom #gehenna #hell #purgatory #pornaddiction #torah #jewish #jewishdiaspora #judaism #rabbiyaronreuven #god #orthodoxjewish #orthodoxjewishlife #orthodoxjewish #torahobservant #authentic #truth #lifeafterdeath #afterlife #afterliferesearch
Release: 2022
Duration: 300 minutes
Views: 91