Rabbi Yaron Reuven's movie focuses on the Jewish perspective on pornography addiction and its severe spiritual consequences. He teaches that wasting seed, whether intentionally or not, is a grave sin in Judaism, akin to murder. The movie discusses the idea that each wasted seed represents a lost soul and that immodesty and exposure to inappropriate content lead to spiritual destruction. Rabbi Reuven emphasizes guarding one's eyes and speech, avoiding contact with the opposite sex, and maintaining strict modesty. He also relates pornography's harmful effects to societal issues like abortion and sexual assault, offering spiritual remedies and encouraging Torah observance and modesty. DONATE @ https://www.tikkunhabrit.live OR WATCH @ www.TikkunHaBrit.org TIKKUN HaBRIT (The Movie That Will Shake The KIRUV World) PRAYERS ARE NOT ENOUGH FOR THE TIKKUN HABRIT EPIDEMIC SO WE MADE A MOVIE YOU CAN BE PARTNER IN!! To Support our KIRUV and Torah Teachings work please DONATE at www.BeEzratHaShem.org If you'd like to invite Rabbi Yaron Reuven to give a lecture at your synagogue, home or office please email Info@BeEzratHaShem.org Rabbi Reuven is based out of Florida but travels to give lectures to different groups. Join one of our interactive "Interesting Torah" Whatsapp groups to get daily updates and short Torah clips that can uplift your day by texting 1.917.468.2324 or +91 93236 69880 Available on Apple iTunes Store, Amazon App Store and Android Play Store https://play.google.com/store/apps/de... GOOGLE App https://apps.apple.com/us/app/beezrat... APPLE App https://www.amazon.com/Hosttec-Soluti... AMAZON App Click here / daily-chidush To Listen to our very popular "Daily Chidush" short audio series on SOUNDCLOUD or the Podcast Channel at https://beezrathashem.jewishpodcasts.org Born in Netanya, Israel, Rabbi Yaron Reuven began his American Dream as a little boy, when his family immigrated to the United States. He went from a newspaper boy at the age of 10, to a well-known self-made Wall Street multimillionaire by the age of 23. During his time in Wall Street, he owned his own private brokerage firm, a hedge fund, and an international insurance agency. He was featured on CNBC, Bloomberg and Chinese NDTV due to his success in the financial industry. At age 26 he faced a 7-year battle for his life when a simple surgery went wrong. From that moment his life would never be the same. This moment marked the start of a series of miraculous events and an exciting pursuit of truth, ultimately resulting in Rabbi Reuven renouncing his lofty position and success in Wall Street, after 16 years, to become a full-time KIRUV rabbi. His Teshuva story is sure to catch the heart of every listener.​ Rabbi Reuven’s shiurim are in English and Hebrew. His classes are focused on spreading the truth and divinity of the Torah through MUSSAR, scientific proofs, and many other methods to reach each individual listener. Rabbi Reuven is the leading educator on the topic of wasting seed in the English language with over 30 hrs of content published online. Rabbi Yaron Reuven is a proud member of the Igud HaRabbonim (The Rabbinical Alliance of America), a national rabbinic organization founded in 1942. Today, our 900+ members are congregational leaders, religious teachers, chaplains, heads of Jewish organizations and communal leaders united in their commitment to traditional Orthodox Judaism. For more information please visit: https://rabbinicalalliance.org/ 00:00:00 Introduction 00:01:07 Satan's Wife in one's dream 00:03:44 Eternal Gehinnom (Rosh HaShana 17a) 00:05:22 Why Yosef HaTzadik 00:06:45 The BIGGEST SIN in The Torah 00:11:55 What Happens To Immodest Women 00:15:47 TIKKUN HaBRIT STEPS 00:20:26 The Science of Immorality 00:41:21 Wisdom of Our Sages 00:52:37 TeShuva Warnings 01:02:06 Beatings of the Grave Chibut HaKever 01:08:53 Judgement in Gehinnom 01:11:48 Why So Scary 01:13:32 58 STEPS To TIKKUN HaBrit 01:22:14 FINAL MESSAGE 01:26:54 Credits 01:30:00 TORAH SOURCES #Torah #pornaddiction #masturbation #pornography #tikkunhabrit #movie #judaism #jewish #rabbiyaronreuven #lifestyle #addiction #wastingseed #guardyoureyes #modesty #modest #pgamhabrit #Brit #motivation #JewishLife #spirituality #kosher #JewishWisdom #Shabbat #Mitzvah #Faith
Release: 2021
Duration: 90 minutes
Views: 120